Enhanced Version of Reality: Augmented Reality
Posted on 01.30.18 by Admin

After the successful application of Virtual Reality (VR) experiences in video games and computer graphics, I mean everyone has played Pong right! Engineers have now come up with an altogether out of the traditional sense of real and virtual; Augmented Reality (AR). It basically enhances the real or we could say entirely blurs the line between what is real and what is computer generated, by elevating our basic sense of sight, smell, touch and hearing. Augmented Reality (AR) operates on the basis of what is real and hence is closer to reality than Virtual Reality (VR). It’s literally changing the way we see the world.
It super imposes graphics, audios and other senses, enhancing them over a real world environment. Next generation Augmented Reality (AR) devices will display graphics for unit users’ viewing and perspective.
From social media filters to medical processes, Augmented Reality (AR) is growing everywhere. It overlays information on your already existing real natural world. One the most widely used application of Augmented Reality (AR) is called the GPS (Global Positioning System), used for mapping directions and finding locations. Today, it’s commonly used by people in everyday life.
World’s one of the best technology providers, Apple is also taking steps towards Augmented Reality (AR), within their cell-phone devices, which would most definitely increase the popularity of Augmented Reality (AR) and help it to grow at a faster pace. Both their devices iPhone 8 and iPhone X would have a new chip that would allow them to give users with extraordinary Augmented Reality (AR) experience.
Also, Snapchat and Instagram would soon introduce filters which would allow users to take selfies with a friend or let’s say even Tom Cruise via projected Augmented Reality (AR). So it’s like real cool stuff for the Gen-Zers. So all tech-savvy should be ready to witness the best exposure to “real” in the upcoming year.