Google Station India
Posted on 09.24.18 by Shishir Uniyal

Ever since Google has launched first of its Google Station to provide free WiFi service to its users from Mumbai Central Station in the beginning of the year 2016, the waiting for a train to their destination has become more fun for the passengers. Even if a train is delayed, waiting does not take its toll on them.
Google Station has setup its free WiFi service in 400 railway stations in India in collaboration with Railtel Corporation, one of the largest neutral telecom infrastructure providers in the country. The last one to join the league is Dibrugarh Railway Station in Assam. As in today’s time, internet service has become more of a necessity, Google found this way to enable people to connect with each other. Since India has the fifth largest railway network in the world, it brought joy to the people who regularly travels via train.
However there are a few concerns that are always there when it comes to technology and its advancements. Following are some of the concerns Indian internet users have:
Does it take in personal information?
No, it only requires the mobile number and the OTP that is sent to the mobile number of a user when connecting to Google Station WiFi.
Why is it free?
Google, when announced to launch the service, made a promise to provide free WiFi service to users across India as goodwill. It was never meant to avail the monetary benefits. Hence, it is free for users but it’s not at all free. Google Station generates its revenues from the advertisers whose ads are played when the end user put in the OTP sent to their mobile number. That’s how Google Station recovers its operation cost.
Is Government paying for it?
No, the government is not paying for the services, Google Station alone is taking care of the operational running cost. However, the revenue generated via advertisements makes it easy for Google.
Will it provide HI-Speed Internet Service?
Yes, for first one hour, users will get Hi-Speed internet but after one hour it will be limited so that other passengers can also use the service at high speed.