Are your customers paying attention to your business messages?
Posted on 04.15.16 by Admin

The technology and cultural shift has brought rapid development in modern marketing practices which generates equal parts of optimism and anxiety. However, content remains the major part of the modern marketing being the biggest disrupter enabling the brands to connect with their customers through storytelling. Gone are the days when marketers used to inform their customers with direct messages about their brands and products.
Historically, the brands have been using storytelling as a direct way to drive emotional impact with their target audiences. However, we have shifted from the old school marketing to new one, wherein attention has emerged as the most critical resource. Now, marketers need to evolve their thinking towards creating a more ambitious construct or message for their customers. The message should embrace multilayered narratives, designed for multiple screens, and should be socially engineered for participation of the customers.
In the era of democratized content where content is available to everyone on various social media platforms, marketers are trying to bring uniquely and distinctively designed brand stories to tap on the energy of digital culture.
What brands need to do to distinguish themselves? What will help marketers to drive the business impacts on the elusive audiences? The fundamental marketing formula is still the same but it requires breakthrough in creative horizons to harness the potential of emerging technology in the favor of brand building.
This is the high time to evaluate market companies and make the required reforms with increasing mobile-first marketing concept. Moreover, brands need to adopt performance accountability measures to assess and evaluate real impact of the efforts on getting customers’ ‘attention’ – by measuring the digital high value actions, time-spend analyses and social engagement.
Ultimately, the brands focusing on connecting with customers emotionally and generating attention of the customers by tapping on their passions and shifting their behaviors will surely build long term loyalty. The competition bar has been set to all time high level where market dynamics are changing rapidly. To survive and thrive in this setting, content should be produced with the objective of deriving customers’ attention and participation.