Off page ranking factors – Are They Fact Or Myth?
Posted on 03.19.16 by Admin
Being a digital marketer, you have been experiencing volatility of Google Algorithms. Do you know which factors exactly ranks a website in first place in SERPs? Nobody knows exactly what Google considers as the ranking factor.
Indeed, Google is secretive when it is about ranking factors. There are almost more than 400 factors that impact on the ranking of a website in search results. However, we have nailed out some Facts and Myths of SEO off page activities.
There are two broad categories of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – On-page optimization and off page optimization. When it comes to off page ranking factors, digital marketers usually get confused in regard with which ranking factors are fact and which are Myth.
Over the years, we have been keeping a close track of Google Algorithm and simultaneously we change our course of action. Thus, we have amalgamated some factors that truly affect the website ranking. These are proven factors because we have achieved the results by applying the same principles.
Off page activities are basically done to attract inbound backlinks from different websites that boost up the ranking of a website. However, there are some myths and facts that one should differentiate.
- Inbound links from the high authority and relevant website matters a lot whether it is for particular page or directly to main domain.
- Using Keyword Alt Text and Anchor Text is a ranking factor
- Link Stability i.e. created back link should be stable and presented in the source website from where it has been generated.
- listing also counts in ranking factor because Dmoz has been one of the most prominent directory listing website
- Apart from the Anchor text, using partially related Anchor text and Alt text is also impactful in SERPs.
- CTR also impacts the ranking because the more your website is viewed and clicked by the visitors from different IPs, search engines consider those websites relevant to the viewers, resultantly ranks them better.
- Link from IP addresses of the target region or country. This is truly the most important factor for search engine ranking.
- Social media sharing and link from older domains impacts the authority level of website
- Bounce rate determines the quality parameter of a website i.e. if the visitors are visiting and leaving the website immediately without navigating other pages, it means high bounce rate which signifies that visitors are not getting relevant details in your website that they are looking for.
- Some digital marketers still believe special link title will provide them better results.
- To increase authority of a website backlinks from .EDU and .GOV websites will be helpful.
- Using Adwords and paid source of tariff increases the relevancy of the website.
- Low Alexa score heavily impacts on the ranking factor
- High MozTrust score means high authority of a website.
Apart from Myths and Facts, we thought to highlight other important points that you might be interested in knowing. We have explored some factors that negatively impact on your website ranking.
Factors that negatively affect the website:
- Generating backlinks from the diluted authority website
- Excessive cross-site lining (not belongs to same theme website)
- Link farming and paid links
- Backlinks from negative authority website
- Poor content surrounded links
- Links from irrelevant websites
- WordPress sponsored themes
- Forum signature and profile links
- Comment spam
- Unnatural variety of linking sites
- Poor quality content surrounding links