SEO trends that rocked in 2019!
Posted on 28.12.19 by Suchismita

The digital landscape continues to rage with market competition, with businesses ready to overtake one another! It is a challenging but achievable task that enterprises are facing today. It has become more than pertinent for businesses to marketize their businesses and services on digital platforms.
A robust online presence is the need of the hour, thus driving businesses to launch user-oriented websites. The next important step is to rethink the content marketing strategies and invest in next-gen SEO. Search engines like Google and Bing rank the websites based on specific requirements that must be met by websites to be able to find a higher place in the search engine results.
Businesses should know about SEO trends on the horizon to improve their ranking in the search engine results. The trends should be applied to the websites so as to adapt them to the changing trend.
Let's dive into major SEO trends that rocked in 2019 and take lessons to implement and successfully marketize in the upcoming year.
- Voice Search Optimization: The trend for voice search started with the inception of smartphones that assisted users with their searches on popular search engines. Before this, the users use to plug words in the search engine boxes. A voice search enabled a far seamless search for a user query. With time the approach evolved, now voice searches can be done not only on the phones but also on voice assistants such an Amazon Echo, Samsung Smart TV, Voice Pod and more. With these gadgets trending in the market, it is a good idea to optimize websites for voice search helps that may lead to increased organic traffic.
- Influencer Marketing: Today, various social media platforms are seen as buzzed with known-faces of celebrities, YouTubers, and theatre artists branding some or other products and services. This trend is seen overlapping the traditional way of advertisements. Associating a known face with the brand can allow audiences to build trust with the brand. Lately, media companies are seen to amp up their investments in the influencer marketing budget. By hiring an influencer digital marketers can increase the content reach, generating more traffic to the concerned websites. This approach indirectly builds valuable backlinks, which is the most important factor that Google uses for evaluating a web page's ranking.
- Security: It hasn't much to do with SEO, however, user safety has a
direct impact on the website user experience. An unsecured website is more likely to
drive away visitors. Unsecured websites can increase the bounce rates that could affect
page positions in the organic search listing.
When a user visits a website and enters a query form, this means he is providing his personal information. So, it becomes the website’s responsibility to protect his privacy. HTTPS prevents third-parties from tampering with the communications between a website and the browsers. Therefore, it is highly important for website makers to enable HTTPS protocol to their sites, this provides users with a safe connection. This might result in a minor SEO boost. - Mobile UX: Mobile Web Users are increasing with the passing days, there a seamless mobile UX can have a big impact on your page ranking. People are more likely to conduct local searches on search engines using their smartphones as they are handy. The increasing importance of user experience has made it crucial for brands to own a mobile website. However, this is not sufficient. The interface has to be seamless, easy to navigate and should be able to hold readers' interest and answer to their queries. Developing a mobile version of a website allows you to enhance your products' and service's impact on users. In a nutshell, the higher google mobile page index the more prominent your page will be.
- Snippets and Videos: Featured snippets are the new way to increase the page ranking. Typically, these appear in the 'Position 0' and answers the most frequently asked questions that a consumer has about products and services. This gives brands a great opportunity to generate more traffic even when they are not ranking on the #1 position. Similarly, videos—be it on YouTube or social media—are on the exponential rise. Brands should target and use apt keywords in the description of the video that can lead the maximum number of users who are searching for a particular subject.
SEO is very crucial for bringing success to a business. The activity doesn't limit itself to finding and using the right keywords but optimizing content for users. Therefore, it is highly important to understand what attributes are in-trend and can bring optimal traffic.