Media & Entertainment

No other industry both survives and thrives on informative data as this. There is arelentless churn across entire spectrum from data-creation to its eventual consumption and it doesn’t even end there because the industry critically depends upon how its consumers “react” to what is “fed” to them. Stupendous competition renders maintaining a competitive edge, a seemingly never-ending mirage, while extremely diverse data flowing back and forth 24*7*365 makes workflow management itself, a challenge that can be justifiably termed, nightmarish. While technology is rapidly evolving in this industry, it’s adaptation without impacting TCO is a stupendous challenge. Some sobering highlights on the consumption end…

Second largest digital television consumption base in the entire world (
(stupendous opportunity for both innovation & growth)

167 million television installations against a total base of 234 million
[clear need to create paradigm shifts in mobile and web marketing to bridge gap aided by systemic integration]

Unabated population growth has rendered 11% as an almost stagnant share of television-exposed to television-un-exposed audience
[developing extremely impactful content strategies to tap into the un-exposed segment]

he second largest film industry in the entire world is in India; yet, the filmdom sector showing a significant fall in profitability and box office footfalls
[creating multiple touchpoints through “digital invasion” using primary and secondary marketing communication channels]

Pay tv growth amongst the highest in the world at ~86% (MPA 2015 report)
[maintaining competitive edge with free on air content is a multi-dimensional challenge]

4.3% growth rate of satellite content consumption vs. just 1% for cable (KPMG 2015 report)
[with increased disposable income propensity, there is fear of demise of cable-based content which a digital enterprise needs to look at seriously]

Highly unorganized print sector mars both innovation and technology adoption
[custom digital technologies can hold roost here by quicker adaptation to specific business] environments)

FM spectrum auctions now spread to 69 cities and growing
[encouraging industry-wide backward integration on digital platforms can create paradigm shifts in the growth story]

Numerous consolidations spurring the advent of end-to-end players
[maintaining an agile enterprise necessary demands enterprise-wide adaptation of high-end digital solutions failing which, only further consolidation becomes, but obviously, inevitable due to the extremely competitive nature of this marketspace]

Key Challenges:

Mega Data with Agility and Ultra mobility : Extremely diversified as well as highly unstructured raw data buzzing around almost 24*7*365 with need for consistent high-speed throughput makes business intelligence gathering, a stupendous task unless enterprise and industry-wide systemic digital adoption is not in vogue

Unique content Creation:

In an extremely demanding marketspace full of discerning customers, technology, while coming to the aid, cannot compensate for consumer-side gaps in technology adaptation (for e.g., satellite HD content streaming is still highly restricted to the A1++ SEC segment in terms of consumption). On the supply side, commoditization of stereotype content is facing the law of diminishing returns. Unavailability of right metrics and methodology: BTL activities (e.g., sponsorships) face crucial gaps in RoI assessment due to the abstract variables involved which technology and discrete mathematics is only now beginningto slowly fill… But there are numerous inefficiencies and inconsistencies. Display advertising in a similar vein, has no specific fool-proof methodologies to decipher efficiency and efficacy.

Data ownership and security:

IPs are intrinsic to this industry as much as stupendously high-volume data. Security technologies have specific limitations and to assume seamless integrity across an enterprise for maintaining very high level of containment demands very significant investmentswith constantly rebounding TCOs

Solutions From Webisdom:

It is very critical to think about the 4Cs: Curation, Creation, Connection and Community. Digital advertisers on media and information services are going to need help, both from a platform and service standpoint, to connect effectively across an increasing number of addressable channels.]

Supply-side directed solutions:
  • Business intelligence solutions (end-to-end)
  • Data security solutions (end-to-end)
  • Bespoke application development (web and mobile)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (design, development and continuous support)
  • Content monetization and content distribution
  • Strategic consulting
Demand-side directed solutions:
  • Digital marketing services – SEO, SEM, MOM, ODA, DA, ORM,
  • Primary and Secondary digital market research
  • Manufacturing technology services
  • VAS services & integration

Companies that can make better use of data and analytics can experience a 15%-20%improvement in revenues or growth. Depending upon which side of the supply-demand sides’ spectrum are critical pain areas for the organization, Webisdom’s partnership mode of project engagement helps organizations build a sustainable as well as scalable foundation in one of the most competitive industries in the country through our highly customized, turnkey-typedigital disruption solutions for this industry accruing meaningful competitive advantage

Digital Marketing

Marketing for media and entertainment businesses is now a lot different than it used to be, today it’s important to adapt to digital marketing strategies and techniques.

Digital marketing in the entertainment industry excels at collecting and interpreting data so that entertainment companies can make clear, insightful decisions on how best to promote their brand and that of the creatives they produce Netflix, for example, shares trailers for new shows on multiple other social networking sites, including uploading extended trailers on YouTube where users are likely to sit and watch video content longer than thirty-seconds.

Web Solution

Content producers are gaining huge success in media and entertainment sector industries through social media channels like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. We work with you to design applications that will strengthen the presence of your brand in the media and entertainment industry.

Internet of things

The Internet of Things is gaining popularity with more number applications including that in the entertainment industry. IoT is transforming the world of movies as well as the gaming industry. Smart entertainment Home devices are the major contributor to IoT devices.

App Development

All the entertainment is now accessible on mobile devices. We blend mobility with the media and distribute it to the world. We develop media & entertainment apps which not just engage your audience but also impact their life through a memorable experience.

Artificial intelligence

The use of AI in the media and entertainment industry is helping the media companies to improve their services and enhance the customer experience. More active implementation of AI to enhance the virtual and augmented reality to take user experience to the next level.

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Our Clients

Honda MediaTeck Kuber DLF pizza
bluenectar TechMahindra LearningCurve kubershope
Mitsubishi indus treehouse unitech nextra
Sonata toyota skywaltz EFT NVL
Achievers Ask-me-bazar dsp_black_logo- FinSec IFB
IIFL Jungle-rummy kpmg Le fnplogo
nissan paytm tata_motors Vlcc WAVE
Unitech Fitness-First sodexo Square
Honda MediaTeck Kuber DLF pizza
bluenectar TechMahindra LearningCurve kubershope
Mitsubishi indus treehouse unitech nextra
Sonata toyota skywaltz EFT NVL
Achievers Ask-me-bazar dsp_black_logo- FinSec IFB
IIFL Jungle-rummy kpmg Le fnplogo
nissan paytm tata_motors Vlcc WAVE
Unitech Fitness-First sodexo Square