
Even though 46% of total telecom marketing budget is devoted to digital media, the allocated amount of marketing budget is not optimally utilized. With over 17 billion dollars of FDI investment alone (Source: Pricewaterhouse Coopers), Telecom is next only to retail/e-tail as a sector which continues to show consistent, booming growth. The gargantuan irony of the seemingly bright side is wafer-think operating margins – almost entirely due to (a) very high licensing costs (8% of adjusted revenues) and (b) hyper-competition. Cost per acquisition (CPA) is facing an enormous pressure to remain a positive growth driver due to increasingly demanding and discerning customers who have now, the luxury of a very wide variety of brand choices to make across service providers, services and devices. As per UST Global, 3G & 4G services will fuel rapid growth of machine to machine interactions with one out of every three mobile handsets expected to be a smartphone by 2020 in the country! (Source: GSMA). IDC predicts a CAGR of over 5.2% by 2017 through a market-size of 37 billion US dollars for just mobile telephony alone. India has over 1 billion mobile subscribers today while the average tele-density is around 78% (Source: CCI)

  • CPA consolidation due to very low operating margins, severe competition and lack of customer loyalty
  • Ensuring high RoI in advertising & promotion
  • Go-to-market bottlenecks due to legislations, competition, low absorbency and high capital
  • Lack of dependable and accurate end-user research insights at very localized levels
  • Infrastructure bottleneck
  • Long-term sustainability due to technology churn
  • Huge gaps in technology coming to aid of easing operating margins pressure
  • Channel management shows enormous lack of cohesion and lack of streamlined processes
  • Customer service issues plague the entire industry
  • SLAs are mostly non-maintainable creating faster depletion in customer loyalty
  • Under-utilization of voluminous data
  • Process Re-engineering:
      Empowering industries to digitalize their business models with agility is the fundamental start of business transformation.
  • Data Management:
      From massive amount of data collection to filter it for drawing meaningful insights, our robust data management technology helps clients.
  • NexGen Mobility:
      Mobile apps are the next-generation mode of interacting with your target customers. Telecom players have to make strong presence on mobile apps market offering an interactive mobile user-interface.
  • Interactive Social Space:
      Ubiquitous customer interaction avenues are the most effective and response-oriented channels of interactions with customers. As per market reports, social spaces accounts for 80 % of entire customer engagement.
  • Competitive Intelligence Mapping:
      Creating comprehensive and very easy-to-action data frameworks on the competitive landscape from client-dictated perspective that is kept very up to date.
  • Consumer Data Metrics:
      Comprehensive knowledge management tools that convert our efforts at continuous population of the latest infographics on the demand side of telecom services across individuals, establishments, government, corporate and NGOs towards actionable business tactical approaches.
  • Digital Marketing Support:
      A plethora of digital marketing services at your beck and call to enable to you accrue and sustain, that all important competitive advantage in one of the toughest, most dynamic industry segment in India by empowering tactical and strategic leverage across cost-side, revenue-side and infrastructure side of your business
    What Do The Above Services Do For You?
  • Improve visibility
  • Increase mindshare in intended customers
  • Shorten go-to-market cycles
  • Reduce CPA
  • Increase operating margin cushions
  • Significantly consolidate brand equity
  • Maximize market buzz
  • Catalyze dormant appetite for products/services in consumers
  • Promote healthy competition
  • Maximize RoI for your marketing investment
  • Reduce delinquency through robust intel-gathering frameworks
  • Mature the market towards better and higher-level service adaptation
  • Improve your adherence levels to stated SLAs
  • Consolidate corporate goodwill

The advent of digital technology opened up a myriad of opportunities as well as challenges to the cost, infrastructure and revenue pursuits. As a matter of fact, a plethora of channel interaction mediums such as smartphones, tablets, internet and several others has shifted the customers from traditional avenues of interactions such as ATMs and bank branches.

Digital Marketing

The country is increasingly connected, social, and increasingly uses mobile devices, especially smartphones, to carry out a large number of activities.

The telecoms industry has always been ultra-competitive, whether it’s tariff wars, data deals or the latest handset exclusives. An effective social media marketing strategy along with SEO and PPC can help you reach new customers and retain the existing customers.

Web Solution

We design Responsive, Integrated and Optimized web solutions for our telecom clients so that they can make a good first impression. Websites are built with careful consideration of SEO, social sharing, content strategy, marketing automation, dynamic personalization, lead scoring, and progessive profiling.

Internet of things

The introduction of IoT in telecom is transforming the role of telecom service providers in enabling communication between people and devices. Data analytics, Low power WAN, Location services, Autonomous vehicles, Equipment monitoring, Physical security features are some example of IoT

App Development

We offer intuitive enterprise mobility solutions that ensure that telecommunication companies have access to all data and analysis to understand the business, customer, and industry.

Artificial intelligence

Every telecom service provider uses artificial intelligence to improve its customer service primarily by using virtual assistants and chatbots. AI applications in the telecommunications industry use advanced algorithms to look for data patterns, enabling telcos to both detect and predict network anomalies.

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Our Clients

Honda MediaTeck Kuber DLF pizza
bluenectar TechMahindra LearningCurve kubershope
Mitsubishi indus treehouse unitech nextra
Sonata toyota skywaltz EFT NVL
Achievers Ask-me-bazar dsp_black_logo- FinSec IFB
IIFL Jungle-rummy kpmg Le fnplogo
nissan paytm tata_motors Vlcc WAVE
Unitech Fitness-First sodexo Square
Honda MediaTeck Kuber DLF pizza
bluenectar TechMahindra LearningCurve kubershope
Mitsubishi indus treehouse unitech nextra
Sonata toyota skywaltz EFT NVL
Achievers Ask-me-bazar dsp_black_logo- FinSec IFB
IIFL Jungle-rummy kpmg Le fnplogo
nissan paytm tata_motors Vlcc WAVE
Unitech Fitness-First sodexo Square